Kintai Bridge Redux

I recently learned some new techniques for post processing my images, so I decided to go back to some old photos I had done that I didn’t like very much at the time to see what I could do.  I was pretty happy with how this one turned out!

If you don’t know, this is a picture of the Kintai Bridge in Iwakuni, Japan.  I lived there for a while as a child, and in fact I was baptized in this river maybe a kilometer or so down stream!  Very special place for me!  If you ever get a chance to visit, do so – especially if you can during the Cherry Blossom season.  I personally think it is one of the more beautiful spots in Japan, and it’s a great little town too.






Want a print of this photo? Want to download a digital copy? You can purchase either here: Kintai Bridge on Smugmug

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