• The Power and Danger of If

    The Power and Danger of If

    The word “if” can be both powerful and dangerous. I’ve recently been enjoying a Japanese animated movie that explores this idea. The movie, entitled “Fireworks,” is about a boy named Norimichi who accidentally discovers a way to rewind time for the express purpose of taking…

  • Submitting To Christ: A Ditch On Both Sides Of The Road

    Submitting To Christ: A Ditch On Both Sides Of The Road

    One thing all Christians should agree on is that Jesus is King. He came to announce and inaugurate the Kingdom of God (Mk. 1:14-15), and through his death and resurrection, he has ascended to the throne as King of kings and Lord or lords (1…

  • Written On The Heart

    Written On The Heart

    We all know Proverbs as a book of wisdom which shares important guidance for Godly living. Many of the proverbs contained with the book are simple and concise: “a slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich” (10:4); “Whoever goes about…

  • Jesus’ Resurrection: Traditional vs. Transitional

    Jesus’ Resurrection: Traditional vs. Transitional

    Introduction One of my favorite topics to study in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus. Of course, it is central to our faith, so that makes sense. However, both personally and academically, the study holds great interest to me, especially in regards to its…

  • Attacking Kingdom Work: Handling Criticism

    Attacking Kingdom Work: Handling Criticism

    In my previous post, I looked at how Nehemiah’s critics approached their opposition of him. Two men especially – Sanballat and Tobiah – did not want to see the wall built or the Jewish people helped in any way, so they make desperate attempts to…

  • Attacking Kingdom Work: 3 Steps Of Opposition

    Attacking Kingdom Work: 3 Steps Of Opposition

    Criticism and opposition are to Kingdom work what death and taxes are to life: a certainty. If you’re producing fruit for God’s kingdom, you can be sure that the enemy will not be happy, and he will use others to attack you. These attacks can…

  • Why Unity Matters

    Why Unity Matters

    In John 17, shortly before his betrayal and arrest, Jesus prayed some incredibly important words for the church: “20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one,…

  • The Destroyer Of Christian Community

    The Destroyer Of Christian Community

    “Those who love their dream of Christian community more than the Christian community itself become destroyers of that Christian community.” Thus wrote (in paraphrase) Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his book “Living Together.” Bonhoeffer understood something which many of us struggle to accept – Christian community isn’t…

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About Les

I am a follower of Jesus, a husband and father, and a minister serving in Matsudo, Japan. My interests include theology, philosophy, photography, tennis, and a variety of other things. Here on my blog, I share my thoughts about … whatever I feel like. I hope you enjoy this place where our thoughts collide.

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