Author: Leslie
More From Kintai!
Had a little time to work on some more photos over the last day, so thought I’d share some others I took. I really like this one: I wasn’t as happy with the following one. But maybe you’ll like it more! And finally, for good measure – a photo of my beautiful little girl crossing…
Kintai Bridge
One of my favorite childhood memories is hanging around the Kintai bridge in Iwakuni, Japan. I lived there as a child, and in fact was baptized only a few hundred meters down the river from this bridge. So the area has very special meaning for me. I was blessed to get to visit there again…
Old Japanese House
Took a (long) walk in Chayamachi today … came across this old house. Not my favorite photo ever, but I thought I would share anyway. I’m not sure if I like the color or b&w best: And just for fun – a weird version. Kind of a shout out to Adult Swim’s various backgrounds.…
Girl in Overall Dress Sketch
Sketch I did this afternoon – I love having days off! For a while now (much longer than it should be) I have been working on a children’s book. I have redrawn some of the characters a number of different times, and this is an effort I undertook today to see if I could do…
Japanese Graffiti
Well, I’m not sure it’s “graffiti” exactly, at least in the sense of being vandalism, but it’s the kind of art style: This graffiti painting is of komainu (at least I think it is). These are lion-dog statues that stand at the entrance to many Buddhist temples here in Japan. This drawing is at a…
After a week or so of incompetent coding on my part, and the help of a couple of friends, is ready to launch! What is this “Head of Leslie” you may ask? This is a place where I am able to streamline all of my creative work. Photography, illustrations, and music – all of…