Category: Conflict Management

  • Attacking Kingdom Work: Handling Criticism

    Attacking Kingdom Work: Handling Criticism

    In my previous post, I looked at how Nehemiah’s critics approached their opposition of him. Two men especially – Sanballat and Tobiah – did not want to see the wall built or the Jewish people helped in any way, so they make desperate attempts to oppose Nehemiah and his work. We, too, can expect this…

  • Attacking Kingdom Work: 3 Steps Of Opposition

    Attacking Kingdom Work: 3 Steps Of Opposition

    Criticism and opposition are to Kingdom work what death and taxes are to life: a certainty. If you’re producing fruit for God’s kingdom, you can be sure that the enemy will not be happy, and he will use others to attack you. These attacks can be a destabilizing force, throwing off your focus and keeping…

  • Foreign Languages & Foreign Ideas

    Foreign Languages & Foreign Ideas

    I have learned two foreign languages in my life. The first was French which I studied all the way through both high school and college. I even spent a semester abroad in Belgium, where I worshiped with a French speaking church. The second I learned as an adult, when my family moved to Japan. Although…