Category: Culture

  • The Most Biblical Scene In Lord Of The Rings

    The Most Biblical Scene In Lord Of The Rings

    I’m currently working my way through the Lord of the Rings books, and have also found myself watching the movies several times since the beginning of the year. Tolkien’s story is simply a masterpiece, and I believe the movies do a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of the books (if somehow you have never…

  • The Myth Of Unending Progress

    The Myth Of Unending Progress

    The last 100 years have seen more technological, medical, and scientific advancements than probably all of the prior centuries of human civilization combined. In less than 150 years, we went from most people traveling on animals to being able to fly thousands of people across the oceans each day and even land people on the…

  • You Are Being Formed

    You Are Being Formed

    When children are young, we recognize how impressionable they are. Children pick up the world around them like sponges, and often regurgitate whatever they have been soaking in. If they see smiles, they give smiles. If they hear foul language, they speak foul language. Their world shapes them in ways that are easy to define…

  • Spiritual Formation In A Secular World

    Spiritual Formation In A Secular World

    I recently read some comments from Tim Keller on modern secularism, and how it is now seeking to evangelize Christians. Keller points out that children need to be inoculated against secular thinking, because we’re now surrounded by this evangelizing force in our daily lives: “We don’t have as much control over what our kids hear…