• Flying Bunk Bed

    Did this for Illustration Friday – this week’s theme is “launch.”  Inspired by my two little girls and Little Nemo (of no relation to Finding Nemo – and in my opinion, a better movie). I really hate the way the coloring worked out but (a)…

  • Water Under the Bridge

    Under the Seto-Ohashi Bridge in Shimotsui.  Need to go back when it’s not rainy season.

  • Metal Bricks

    They’re not really metal, but the rain kind of gave them that feel in my mind.  Maybe I should have swept off the leaves.  Oh well, I can always go back later.

  • The Old Man Is Snoring

    … the old man is snoring. I find that old man looks increasingly like me.  But that’s probably just the weather talking.

  • Hanging Onions

    Japanese onions are delicious.  Especially when they’re hanging up.  And you steal them.  Just kidding – I didn’t steal any.  But they are quite tasty; which is good, because they use them in everything.

  • House Cutaway

    I drew and colored this during the last week for this coming month’s theme at the Hoikuen where I teach English.  The theme for the month is “at home”, so I thought it would be nice to teach them about the rooms of a house. …

  • Life Decisions

    I haven’t posted anything in a while as I’ve been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks.  About mid-May my family took a 2 week trip to the U.S. which involved two separate job interviews, and lots of family visiting.  It was great, but…

  • Wimping Out

    Last night I saw a tweet from Rick Warren that really struck me.  He wrote: “Example alone is never enough to tell the gospel. Even Jesus had to use words and he was a perfect example! Don’t wimp out in fear.” This struck me for…

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About Les

I am a follower of Jesus, a husband and father, and a minister serving in Matsudo, Japan. My interests include theology, philosophy, photography, tennis, and a variety of other things. Here on my blog, I share my thoughts about … whatever I feel like. I hope you enjoy this place where our thoughts collide.

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