Category: objects

  • Fushimi Inari

    Fushimi Inari

    Last weekend I was able to go to Kyoto and visit the Fushimi Inari shrine.  It is perhaps most famous for its rows of Torii Gates, which line the path up to the shrine itself.  I’m not sure exactly how many there are, but there are at least thousands of these gates along the path….

  • Kintai Bridge Redux

    I recently learned some new techniques for post processing my images, so I decided to go back to some old photos I had done that I didn’t like very much at the time to see what I could do.  I was pretty happy with how this one turned out! If you don’t know, this is…

  • Seto-Ohashi Bridge – Lights On!

    Every Saturday night (as well as during some special times of the year) the lights on the Seto-Ohashi Bridge are turned on.  I finally decided the other night to make the bike/hike up to Washuzan Mountain to take some photos.  Pretty pleased with the way this one turned out.            …

  • Seto Ohashi Bridge & Shimotsui

    Back when the Herrington family was with us, Paul and I went up Washuzan Mountain one evening and Paul was gracious enough to lend me his tripod that night.  Anyway, got this picture that evening and really liked it.  I desperately hope I can go back up there one evening – maybe when the bridge…

  • Metal Bricks

    They’re not really metal, but the rain kind of gave them that feel in my mind.  Maybe I should have swept off the leaves.  Oh well, I can always go back later.